In the small town of Nebobongo in the middle of the rainforest, DIFÄM supports training at a nursing school run by the local Protestant church. Here, they train the nursing staff for around 70 church health facilities in the north-east of the country.
During their four years of training, the more than 70 students who attend the course at the same time repeatedly do practical training periods at the hospital in Nebobongo or in the nearby health centres. In the surrounding village schools, the trainees themselves also teach and educate on health issues and sex education. Topics include disease prevention and the consequences of teenage pregnancies, because many girls drop out of school due to pregnancy.
DIFÄM finances the school fees for some students and part of the teachers' salaries. In addition, computers were purchased for the administration as well as bicycles and motorbikes for the practical training periods. Since the trainees used to work in rooms that were far too small, a larger building was built. Other rooms are now being renovated. A solar system was installed on the roof to provide electricity. A rainwater collection system was also installed.